Remove Gansta Ransomware and Restore Your PC and Files

By following our complete Gansta Ransomware ransomware removal guide the victims can learn how to restore their computers and files from the threat.
Manual Removal Guide
Recover Gansta Ransomware Files
Skip all steps and download anti-malware tool that will safely scan and clean your PC.

DOWNLOAD Gansta Ransomware Removal Tool

SpyHunter anti-malware tool will diagnose all current threats on the computer. By purchasing the full version, you will be able to remove all malware threats instantly. Additional information about SpyHunter / Help to uninstall SpyHunter

How Does Gansta Ransomware Infiltrate the System?

Gansta Ransomware can be acquired by falling victim to one of the hacker strategies used for spreading viruses. A popular method is the coordination of email spam messages that use social engineering tactics. The messages appear as being sent by famous companies and include the Gansta Ransomware either attached directly or linked in the body contents.

The Gansta virus code can also be bundled in payload droppers – infected documents or software installers containing malicious scripts. The Gansta ransomware is attained after the target interacts with the applications.

Browser hijackers and other malicious add-ons can also contribute to an active infection. Hacker-controlled download sites and P2P networks are the most popular ways of distributing them.

Future campaigns may also see the use of direct hacker attacks. The criminals can search for outdated software installations and use the weaknesses to install the virus.

Related: Spectre Ransomware, BeethoveN Ransomware

Infection Flow of Gansta Ransomware

Gansta ransomware is a newly detected computer virus that is still in development. The discovered Gansta virus samples are made by an unknown hacker or criminal collective.

At the moment the Gansta virus contains only a basic encryption engine that using a strong cipher processes them. Usually this is done by following a built-in list of target file type extensions. Most other viruses of this type seek to affect all popular formats: videos, music, photos, configuration files, archives, backups and etc. We suspect that future versions may use a ransomware extension to mark the processed files.

Once this process is complete a ransomware note associated with the Gansta ransomware is displayed in an application frame similar to lockscreen. It is titled “Yes its made with VB. SO FUCKIN WOT!” and reads the following:

Gansta Ransomware

What the hell?

You were infected with gansta Ransomware.

The only, free ransomware! you just need an email!

If you do not wish to decrypt your files, then ur an idiot! XD



Want a decrypt key?Just email
[email protected]
The email must say:
“Happy christmas ya filthy animal! And a happy new year!”

Gansta Ransomware image

The ransomware note does not quote a ransomware sum in this version of the Gansta virus. This is probably due to the fact that the captured samples do not encrypt all target file type extensions or none at all. The text shows that the victims are guided to send an email to the hacker behind the threat with a message. Upon contact they can negotiate the private decryption key.

If the Gansta ransomware is not a joke virus or a prank application a future version of it may include additional modules. They may infect the victim computer with other malware or spy on the users with a Trojan component.

Remove Gansta Ransomware and Restore Data

WARNING! Manual removal of Gansta Ransomware requires being familiar with system files and registries. Removing important data accidentally can lead to permanent system damage. If you don’t feel comfortable with manual instructions, download a powerful anti-malware tool that will scan your system for malware and clean it safely for you.

DOWNLOAD Anti-Malware Tool

SpyHunter anti-malware tool will diagnose all current threats on the computer. By purchasing the full version, you will be able to remove all malware threats instantly. Additional information about SpyHunter / Help to uninstall SpyHunter

Gansta Ransomware – Manual Removal Steps

Start the PC in Safe Mode with Network

This will isolate all files and objects created by the ransomware so they will be removed efficiently. The steps bellow are applicable to all Windows versions.

1. Hit the WIN Key + R

2. A Run window will appear. In it, write msconfig and then press Enter

3. A Configuration box shall appear. In it Choose the tab named Boot

4. Mark Safe Boot option and then go to Network under it to tick it too

5. Apply -> OK

Show Hidden Files

Some ransomware threats are designed to hide their malicious files in the Windows so all files stored on the system should be visible.

1. Open My Computer/This PC

2. Windows 7

    – Click on Organize button
    – Select Folder and search options
    – Select the View tab
    – Go under Hidden files and folders and mark Show hidden files and folders option

3. Windows 8/ 10

    – Open View tab
    – Mark Hidden items option

how to make hidden files visible in Windows 8 10 bestsecuritysearch instructions

4. Click Apply and then OK button

Enter Windows Task Manager and Stop Malicious Processes

1. Hit the following key combination: CTRL+SHIFT+ESC

2. Get over to Processes

3. When you find suspicious process right click on it and select Open File Location

4. Go back to Task Manager and end the malicious process. Right click on it again and choose End Process

5. Next, you should go folder where the malicious file is located and delete it

Repair Windows Registry

1. Again type simultaneously the WIN Key + R key combination

2. In the box, write regedit and hit Enter

3. Type the CTRL+ F and then write the malicious name in the search type field to locate the malicious executable

4. In case you have discovered registry keys and values related to the name, you should delete them, but be careful not to delete legitimate keys

Click for more information about Windows Registry and further repair help

Recover Gansta Ransomware Files

WARNING! All files and objects associated with Gansta Ransomware should be removed from the infected PC before any data recovery attempts. Otherwise the virus may encrypt restored files. Furthermore, a backup of all encrypted files stored on external media is highly recommendable.

DOWNLOAD Gansta Ransomware Removal Tool

SpyHunter anti-malware tool will diagnose all current threats on the computer. By purchasing the full version, you will be able to remove all malware threats instantly. Additional information about SpyHunter / Help to uninstall SpyHunter

1. Use present backups

2. Use professional data recovery software

Stellar Phoenix Data Recovery – a specialist tool that can restore partitions, data, documents, photos, and 300 more file types lost during various types of incidents and corruption.

3. Using System Restore Point

    – Hit WIN Key
    – Select “Open System Restore” and follow the steps


4. Restore your personal files using File History

    – Hit WIN Key
    – Type restore your files in the search box
    – Select Restore your files with File History
    – Choose a folder or type the name of the file in the search bar
    – Hit the “Restore” button

Preventive Security Measures

  • Enable and properly configure your Firewall.
  • Install and maintain reliable anti-malware software.
  • Secure your web browser.
  • Check regularly for available software updates and apply them.
  • Disable macros in Office documents.
  • Use strong passwords.
  • Don’t open attachments or click on links unless you’re certain they’re safe.
  • Backup regularly your data.
  • Was this content helpful?

    Author : Martin Beltov

    Martin graduated with a degree in Publishing from Sofia University. As a cyber security enthusiast he enjoys writing about the latest threats and mechanisms of intrusion.

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