MIRCOP Virus – Remove It and Try To Get Back Your Files

And here you have it, a new way to drain money from unsuspecting victims. A crypto-virus, which originally enough offers unusual methods to make victims pay money to it, named MIRCOP has been reported out into the wild. What this virus does is that it lies to victims they have committed theft against it, by stealing the enormous sum of 48.48 BitCoins and they have to pay it back. This devious scheme may have already brought MIRCOP’s authors a large sum of money.

MIRCOP Ransomware

File Extensions
The ransomware does not alter the file name extensions

48.48 Bitcoins

Solution #1
MIRCOP ransomware can be removed easily with the help of an anti-malware tool, a program that will clean your computer from the virus, remove any additional cyber-security threats, and protect you in the future.

Solution #2
MIRCOP Ransomware can be removed manually, though it can be very hard for most home users. See the detailed tutorial below.

Crypto virus makers infect users via Exploit Kits, Macros, JavaScript and other scripts that can be used in combination with malware payloads.

The MIRCOP Crypto-Virus and How It Works

After infection has been done, MIRCOP executes a script which starts encrypting the files. It then leaves an Anonymous-like screen which does not really have detailed step-by-step guides on how to make a payoff. It just says the following:

You’ve stolen 48.48 BTC from the wrong people, please be so kind to return them and we will return your files.
Don’t take us for fools, we know more about you than you know about yourself.
Pay us back and we won’t take further action, don’t pay and be prepared.”

This crypto-virus does not joke around and it aims to induce fear into its victims. It’s ransom note aims to make the attack to be originating from someone with vast experience, like hackers belonging to the Anonymous movement, someone the average user does not want to have a beef with. All these “hackers” leave is a payment address on which the victim should transfer the money. There are no instructions on how to create a BitCoin account or how to make the payment. Not only this, but malware analysis related to MIRCOP suggests that there have not been any payments made to this address.

A reason for this may be the insanely high amount of money requested in BitCoin – approximately 30 000 US dollars is demanded. It is a very big campaign and the only thing it resembles is the lately reported attacks with ransomware on hospitals and government institutions.

Here are the files associated with MIRCOP Ransomware:

  • c.exe
  • x.exe
  • y.exe

The MIRCOP cyber-threat does not leave any file extensions, like other viruses. It just leaves a string in the hex code of the encoded documents which says one word – Lock. The files cannot be opened with any program and their code is changed from its original to specifically generated characters based on the encoding algorithm used.

MIRCOP crypto virus has been created to obtain information from anywhere where the victim has passwords – web browsers, messaging services and other accounts.

How Did I Get MIRCOP Crypto Virus

This virus is very cunning in its methods of spreading across victims’ computers. It sends e-mails which may be pretending to be services that deal in the export business. Such e-mails may even resemble the law in the form of customs, border control, etc. Usually, e-mails sent by MIRCOP crypto virus may contain attachments which are the virus itself. Once a careless user opens the malicious e-mail, he immediately becomes infected by the virus, especially if he doesn’t have appropriate anti-malware protection.

If You Want to Delete MIRCOP Crypto-virus But Don’t Know How

MIRCOP Crypto-virus Overview

Nickname MIRCOP Ransomware
File Modification Strong encryption which scrambles the file
Associated Objects Unknown
Decryption Possibilities Only alternative methods.
How It Infects Malicious JavaScript in spammed e-mails and URLs.

Crypto virus makers infect users via Exploit Kits, Macros, JavaScript and other scripts that can be used in combination with malware payloads. In case you wish to avoid it in the future, we advise using reliable anti-spam techniques along with a combination with an advanced anti-malware program.

However, if you want to make sure MIRCOP malware is gone from your computer we advise following the below-mentioned instructions since they are created for maximum effectiveness.
Ways to Restore MIRCOP Files

In conclusion, we strongly advise you to avoid paying the ransom. Don’t get involved in cyber-criminals’ malicious actions. It’s much better to invest the same amount of money in security means that will help you to resolve the current problem and ensure you future prevention from CrySiS and other nasty cyber-attacks. It’s also worth trying available recovery options like Shadow Explorer (in case the ransomware hasn’t affected Shadow Volume Copies), Recuva or any data recovery software. You could also wait for available decrypter released by security experts.
Since malware attacks are increasing and users suffer from daily attacks, we have decided to make a tutorial which will help you delete malware, try and restore files in case they are encoded by crypto-viruses and protect yourself in the future as well.

How to Remove Malware from Your Computer

Since malware attacks are increasing and users suffer from daily attacks, we have decided to make a tutorial which will help you delete malware, try and restore files in case they are encoded by crypto-viruses and protect yourself in the future as well.

MIRCOP Ransomware Removal

For a faster solution, you can run a scan with an advanced malware removal tool and delete MIRCOP ransomware completely with a few mouse clicks.

STEP I: Start the PC in Safe Mode with Network
This will isolate all files and objects created by the ransomware so they will be removed efficiently.

    1) Hit WIN Key + R


    2) A Run window will appear. In it, write “msconfig” and then press Enter
    3) A Configuration box shall appear. In it Choose the tab named “Boot
    4) Mark “Safe Boot” option and then go to “Network” under it to tick it too
    5) Apply -> OK

Or check our video guide – “How to start PC in Safe Mode with Networking

STEP II: Show Hidden Files

    1) Open My Computer/This PC
    2) Windows 7

      – Click on “Organize” button
      – Select “Folder and search options
      – Select the “View” tab
      – Go under “Hidden files and folders” and mark “Show hidden files and folders” option

    3) Windows 8/ 10

      – Open “View” tab
      – Mark “Hidden items” option


    4) Click “Apply” and then “OK” button

STEP III: Enter Windows Task Manager and Stop Malicious Processes

    1) Hit the following key combination: CTRL+SHIFT+ESC
    2) Get over to “Processes
    3) When you find suspicious process right click on it and select “Open File Location
    4) Go back to Task Manager and end the malicious process. Right click on it again and choose “End Process
    5) Next you should go folder where the malicious file is located and delete it

STEP IV: Remove Completely MIRCOP Ransomware Using SpyHunter Anti-Malware Tool

Manual removal of MIRCOP requires being familiar with system files and registries. Removal of any important data can lead to permanent system damage. Prevent this troublesome effect – delete MIRCOP ransomware with SpyHunter malware removal tool.

SpyHunter anti-malware tool will diagnose all current threats on the computer. By purchasing the full version, you will be able to remove all malware threats instantly. Additional information about SpyHunter / Help to uninstall SpyHunter

STEP V: Repair Windows Registry

    1) Again type simultaneously the Windows Button + R key combination
    2) In the box, write “regedit”(without the inverted commas) and hit Enter
    3) Type the CTRL+F and then write the malicious name in the search type field to locate the malicious executable
    4) In case you have discovered registry keys and values related to the name, you should delete them, but be careful not to delete legitimate keys

Further help for Windows Registry repair

STEP VI: Recover Encrypted Files

    1) Use present backups
    2) Restore your personal files using File History

      – Hit WIN Key
      – Type “restore your files” in the search box
      – Select “Restore your files with File History
      – Choose a folder or type the name of the file in the search bar


      – Hit the “Restore” button

    3) Using System Restore Point

      – Hit WIN Key
      – Select “Open System Restore” and follow the steps


STEP VII: Preventive Security Measures

    1) Enable and properly configure your Firewall.
    2) Install and maintain reliable anti-malware software.
    3) Secure your web browser.
    4) Check regularly for available software updates and apply them.
    5) Disable macros in Office documents.
    6) Use strong passwords.
    7) Don’t open attachments or click on links unless you’re certain they’re safe.
    8) Backup regularly your data.
Manual removal of MIRCOP requires being familiar with system files and registries. Removal of any important data can lead to permanent system damage. Prevent this troublesome effect – delete MIRCOP ransomware with SpyHunter malware removal tool.

SpyHunter anti-malware tool will diagnose all current threats on the computer. By purchasing the full version, you will be able to remove all malware threats instantly. Additional information about SpyHunter / Help to uninstall SpyHunter

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Author : Joseph Steinberg

Joseph Steinberg is the editor-in-chief, lead content creator, and local father figure of Best Security Search. He enjoys hiking and rock climbing and hates the 12345678 and qwerty passwords.

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